20 Things to Do with Leftover Chili

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A couple weeks ago I made a double recipe of my Hearty Bean and Tempeh Chili. I cooked it in an 8-qt pot and I’m guessing that it made about 7 (which comes out to… 28 cups?). Which is a lot of chili. I took some to a friend who’d just had a baby, put some in the fridge, and froze the rest. It’s in the freezer now and I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m telling you, I LOVE chili. To the point where it might be borderline unhealthy, or an obsession, or something.
Consider, also, that my giant behemoth pot of chili only cost me about $23 to make. So, in the spirit of Shakespeare, I will count for you the ways in which I love to eat chili and when your fridge and freezer are cleared out you can get you some beans and go to town.

Assuming the recipe makes 28 cups and 1 serving is about 12 oz the cost per serving would be about $1.30. If you used non-organic tomatoes and/or left out the tempeh, it would be even less!

20 Things to Do with Leftover Chili

  1. Eat a bowl of it, duh.
  2. Pour it into a bag of Fritos. This is called Frito Pie, I think.
  3. Serve it over cornbread.
  4. Make a breakfast scramble with chili, potatoes, crumbled tofu and vegan cheese. Serve with tortillas, if you’d like.
  5. Use it as a burrito filling. Add spinach or lettuce, tomatoes, olives, vegan cheese, etc.
  6. Use it as enchilada filling.
  7. Make a casserole: Grease a casserole pan. Starting with a layer of tortillas or tortilla chips, layer the chili, remaining tortillas/chips, vegan cheese, olives, cashews, whatever you’ve got ending with a layer of chili and/or cheese. Bake at 375 till heated through.
  8. Make chili dogs. Use the Field Roast frankfurters because they are AMAZING.
  9. Make baked potatoes and smother with chili, vegan cheese, chopped scallions, and vegan sour cream. (Or just chili.)
  10. Make a taco salad substituting chili for fake meat and beans.
  11. Heat it up in a sauce pan with vegan cheese, a small can of roasted green chiles, and some vegan sour cream or cream cheese. Serve it as a dip with chips.
  12. Make french fries and the cover them with chili and cheese.
  13. Give it to a friend who is sad.
  14. Better yet, share it with a friend who is sad.
  15. Share it with friends who are happy.
  16. Have a pot luck where everybody brings something that will go with the chili and then you will all have less cluttered refrigerators.
  17. Apparently kids love pizza made with chili, hot dogs and cheese. I want to be grossed out, but it looks kind of amazing. Use a vegan biscuit recipe and Field Roast frankfurters.
  18. Steam broccoli and cover it with chili and melted cheese for a side dish.
  19. Add some BBQ sauce and make sloppy joes? (I haven’t tried this, hence the question mark.)
  20. Chili Stuffed Bell Peppers. Substitute vegan things for the dairy things. This just sounds incredible.

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