1-1/3cupsdry black beans or two cans of black beansdrained and rinsed
1/2cupuncooked brown rice
1red pepper
1cupshredded cheddar cheese
1Tbschili powder
1Tbsground cumin
1Tbsgarlic salt
1tsphot sauce
1cupdry bread crumbs
Prepare dry beans by soaking overnight in water with a dash of baking soda, then cook in slow cooker for eight hours on low with 6 cups of water
Prepare the brown rice by bringing rice and 1 cup water to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for about 50 minutes or until rice is tender.
Mash the black beans in a large bowl until thick and pasty.
Finely chop pepper, onion, and garlic and stir into the black beans.
When rice is done cooking put in a food processor and process until smoothish. Add rice and cheese to black bean mixture.
Whisk together spices with the eggs and hot sauce and stir into the bean mixture.
Stir in bread crumbs a little bit at a time until the mixture is sticky and holds its shape.
Make bean mixture into about 10 patties.
Preheat outdoor grill to high heat. Place a piece of lightly oiled aluminum foil on the grill. Grill the patties on the foil until browned and heated through, about 8 minutes each sideā¦