One of my favorite throw together salads is the Snickers Apple Salad. It’s so good and so simple that almost anyone can make it. But the other day, I found these Caramel Apple Milky Way Minis at the store and thought to myself… Oh my, I wonder how those would taste in the Snickers Apple Salad. Then I found Caramel Pudding. What the what?!? I think I may have died and gone to heaven. I love, love, love caramel! And you’re going to love this Over the Top Caramel Apple Salad!
Then I wondered just how good it would be to swap out a few of the ingredients of this oh so traditional salad. And as I wondered, I knew I’d find out! I mean, how can you not give it a shot? In my mind, it was going to over the top!
And what better time to try it than apple season! So off to the produce department I went and picked up a few apples. Grabbed the rest of the ingredients that I still needed and rushed home to start creating. The hardest part of this recipe is chopping and coring the apples. I don’t have a corer so I just cut the apple in quarters and then cut off the core part. It works just as well and it’s one less kitchen utensil in my overflowing utensil drawer.
Apples chopped and in the bowl. Check. Now a cup of milk and the packet of instant Caramel Jello Pudding. Mix. Pour over apples. Check. A container of Cool Whip dumped in. Check. Frozen Milky Way Caramel Apple bars cut in half. Piled on top of everything else. Check. Big spoon. Check. Mix, mix mix…. Make sure everything is combined well. Last but not least, grab that caramel syrup from the fridge that you use for ice cream or your iced coffee and give that bowl of goodness a healthy ribbon of caramel sauce.
And BOOM! You’re done! You did it! See how easy it was? You didn’t even have to turn on the oven or break a sweat. And (as I lick the spoon) it’s good! Really good!

Over the Top Caramel Apple Salad
- 6 small apples cored and chopped
- 15 miniature Milky Way Caramel Apple Minis frozen and chopped in half
- 1 box instant caramel pudding mix 5.1-ounce
- 1/2 cup milk
- 12 ounces Cool Whip
- 1/2 cup caramel sauce
- 1 cup miniature marshmallows optional
- Whisk together pudding mix and milk in a large bowl. Fold in Cool Whip.
- Add apples, chopped Milky Way, and marshmallows. Gently mix together.
- Drizzle caramel sauce on top.
- Refrigerate until ready to serve.