Garlic Butter Biscuits

Garlic Butter Biscuits Recipe

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Biscuits hold a special place in many hearts and kitchens, and these Garlic Butter Biscuits are no exception. As a recipe enthusiast, I find there’s something inherently comforting about the aroma of fresh biscuits baking in the oven, and this particular recipe brings back fond memories of family gatherings and cozy weekends spent at home. My grandmother used to make a similar version during our Sunday dinners, and the scent of garlic butter wafting through the house never failed to gather everyone around the table.

This recipe is a delightful twist on a classic, adding a savory depth with garlic butter that perfectly complements the tender, flaky biscuits. It’s a versatile dish that fits seamlessly into a variety of meals, from hearty breakfasts to elegant dinners. The garlic butter can be prepared in advance, making the process smoother when you’re ready to bake. I often prepare a batch of garlic butter on Sunday evenings, storing it in the fridge to use throughout the week. This little prep step can transform your biscuits, and it’s a trick I’ve come to rely on for consistently delicious results.

For those looking to experiment, consider adding a handful of shredded cheese to the dough for a cheesy variation, or sprinkling a bit of fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme for an extra layer of flavor. These tweaks can tailor the biscuits to complement different dishes or suit your personal taste preferences.

The beauty of this recipe lies in its simplicity and adaptability. Whether you’re an experienced baker or a beginner, these Garlic Butter Biscuits are straightforward to make and promise a rewarding result. They are perfect for sharing with family and friends, ensuring that your gatherings are filled with warmth and delicious food.

So, roll up your sleeves, gather your ingredients, and let’s bake some mouth-watering Garlic Butter Biscuits that are sure to become a staple in your kitchen, just as they have in mine.

Making the Garlic Butter Biscuits

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  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1/2 cup garlic butter (prepared as below)
  • 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder

Garlic Butter

  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 3-4 cloves minced garlic


  1. Prepare the garlic butter ahead of time, preferably an hour or even a day before. It can be kept in the fridge for up to a week.
  2. Melt 3 tablespoons of the butter over low heat without browning it. Sauté the minced garlic in the melted butter for around a minute until softened. Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. Blend this garlic butter with the remaining softened butter until thoroughly mixed. Shape the mixture into a log using plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm. Once firm, slice into thumb-sized pieces.
  3. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
  4. In a food processor, combine the flour and baking powder. Add the chilled garlic butter pieces and pulse briefly, leaving small butter bits visible. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl and make a well in the center. Pour in the buttermilk and fold the dry ingredients with a wooden spoon just until mixed.
  5. Turn the sticky dough onto a floured surface. Sprinkle the top of the dough with flour and flour your hands. Gently pat the dough to about 1 1/2 inches thick. Use a 3-inch biscuit cutter to cut the dough and place the biscuits on a parchment-lined baking sheet. For golden tops, you can brush with an optional egg wash made from 1 egg and 1 tablespoon water.
  6. Bake in the preheated oven for approximately 20 minutes until the biscuits are golden brown.

Garlic Butter Biscuits


Can I use regular butter instead of garlic butter?

Yes, you can use regular butter if you prefer a milder flavor. However, the garlic butter adds a distinct taste that enhances the overall flavor of the biscuits.

What can I substitute for buttermilk?

If you don’t have buttermilk, you can make a substitute by adding 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar to 1 cup of milk. Let it sit for about 5 minutes before using it in the recipe.

How do I store leftover biscuits?

Store any leftover biscuits in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days. For longer storage, you can freeze them in a ziplock bag for up to a month. Reheat in the oven before serving.

Can I make the dough ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the dough ahead of time and refrigerate it for up to 24 hours. When ready to bake, simply cut the dough and proceed with the baking instructions.

Why are my biscuits not rising properly?

If your biscuits are not rising well, it could be due to overmixing the dough or using expired baking powder. Make sure to mix the dough just until combined and check the freshness of your baking powder.

How do I achieve flaky biscuits?

To achieve flaky biscuits, ensure that the butter remains cold when mixing it into the dough. The small chunks of cold butter create layers as they melt during baking, resulting in flakiness.

Garlic Butter Biscuits Recipe

Garlic Butter Biscuits

Bake these delicious Garlic Butter Biscuits in just 40 minutes. Perfect for any meal, try this easy recipe today!
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Bread
Cuisine American
Servings 15


For the biscuit dough:

  • 1/2 cup garlic butter prepared as directed
  • 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 3 tsp baking powder

For the Garlic Butter:

  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 3-4 cloves minced garlic


Garlic Butter:

  • Prepare the garlic butter at least an hour in advance, or even the day before. It can be stored in the fridge for up to a week.
  • Melt 3 tbsp of the butter over low heat, ensuring it doesn’t brown. Sauté the minced garlic in the melted butter for about a minute until it softens. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature. Mix this garlic butter with the remaining softened butter until well combined. Shape the mixture into a log using plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm. Once firm, cut into small pieces about the size of your thumb.

Garlic Butter Biscuits:

  • Preheat your oven to 375°F.
  • In a food processor, mix the flour and baking powder. Add the chilled garlic butter pieces and pulse briefly, leaving small butter pieces visible. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl and create a well in the center. Pour in the buttermilk and quickly fold the dry ingredients with a wooden spoon just until combined.
  • Turn the sticky dough onto a floured surface. Dust the top of the dough with flour and flour your hands. Gently pat the dough to about 1 1/2 inches thick. Cut the dough using a 3-inch biscuit cutter and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. For golden tops, you may brush with an egg wash made from 1 egg and 1 tbsp water, though this is optional.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes until the biscuits are golden brown.
Keyword biscuit, garlic

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