Fast And Easy Reuben Sandwich

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This…is one of our family’s favorite sandwiches–The REUBEN.  We can be kind of particular about it.  There is a particular way it ought to go together, and we do not compromise on these points.  Though the recipe is easy, we chicks feel that the best Rueben is the one best put together.

Start off with the simple ingredients and then on to the tips to making your best Reuben ever.


Reuben Sandwich

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes


  • 1 lb sliced corned beef Slice at number 1 at your local deli
  • 1/2 lb swiss cheese slice at number 3 at your local deli
  • 1 loaf pumpernickel rye bread
  • 1 can sauerkraut
  • a few tablespoons thousand island dressing
  • 2 Tbs. butter


  • Assemble all the ingredients
  • Open 2 slices of bread and place a slice of swiss cheese on each side. This is important because when you place a piece of cheese on both sides, the cheese holds everything else in place.
  • On one slice of cheese, place the corned beef, and on the other slice, place the sauerkraut (we like the tart kind, but the Bavarian kraut is sweeter.)
  • Liberally spread some thousand island dressing on the corned beef, or if you prefer, you can save the dressing for dipping. YUM! Again, the placement of the ingredients is what makes this sandwich stand apart. When you place the dressing on the meat, it brings out the flavor and doesn’t let the ingredients slide around.
  • Press both sides together and butter the top before it goes into the pan.
  • Now, here’s the most important part. The biggest mistake people make is that they get their pan too hot. Heat the pan to medium low and place the sandwich, butter side down, in the pan.
  • Cover the sandwich with another pan, as pictured, to aid in melting the cheese, and wait for a couple of minutes.
  • Check for doneness by lifting slightly with a spatula, butter top and flip to other side.
  • Follow this process for the other side.
  • Serve with chips or fruit as pictured above.

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