Mango Chia Smoothie

My husband and I love to travel and hope to explore all that we can of this amazing world in our lifetime.  As much as I want to experience the rich history and culture of places like Asia and Europe, at this point in our lives a “real” vacation means relaxing, preferably somewhere tropical – truly […]

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Paleo Meatballs

Cooking homemade meals is something that is very important to me, but as a mom to an active toddler, it is not always easy to cook when I get home from work – especially if daddy is not home to play with the little man. I finally wised up and plan to batch cook on

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Strawberry Banana Smoothie

I think I am ready to do smoothies again.  As evidenced by my facebook group, my fellow health food bloggers are in love with the smoothies, but I have been smoothie adverse for the last year.  I got on a huge daily-smoothie kick for a couple of years after my husband surprised me with a

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Spiced Almond Milk

A couple of week’s ago, i brought you a simple recipe for Homemade Creamy Almond Milk.  Well, I thought it would be fun to use that recipe to create a sweetened milk without all the refined sugar, additives, carrageenan, and “natural flavors.”  Chocolate milk is a old-time favorite, but I wanted to try something new

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Homemade Creamy Almond Milk

Making homemade almond milk has been on my “things-I-want-to-try-when-I-have-the-time” list forever. I finally got around to making time for this project over the weekend and I wish I had not waited so long – so simple and so tasty! Jaime (Ms. registered-dietitian-and-thorough-food-and-nutrition-researcher) had advised me that it is basically impossible to find store-bought dairy and

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