Roasted Chickpeas

I’ve seen various recipes for roasted chickpeas floating around the flood blog world for quite some time now. It’s something that I always think about making mid-week but don’t have a can of chickpeas on-hand. Then (of course) I forget about it by the time I go grocery shopping on Sunday! Luckily, I wrote it […]

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Trattoria Roasted Potatoes

Tucked away on a particularly bad street in an unlovely part of Prague is a wonderful basement trattoria my hubby and I visited last year. The entrance is sprayed with graffiti and next door is an a***t shop. We were skeptical. We thought about turning back. We certainly didn’t expect to find a rustic, cozy

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Easy Homemade Brown Veal Stock

What’s the biggest difference between your food and the food at your favorite restaurant? Most likely, it’s the stock. Good restaurants have several huge cauldrons of freshly made stock bubbling all day, every day, waiting to be incorporated into nearly every dish they serve in one way or another. It’s real stock, made in large

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French Onion Soup

Onion soup is such a classic, comforting and warm dish. It’s deceptively simple. Onions, stock, bread, and cheese. When you make it right you will know it, but it takes both time and patience to be any good. There are many recipes out there for what I will call half-assed onion soup that can be

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