Author name: Frieda Evans

Sweet & Spicy Meatloaf

Beef has always been a staple in our home.  There are just so many different meals you can create with beef, because it is so versatile and easy to work with.  There are a great variety of different cuts of beef, and it cooks up really quickly too, which is great for a busy Mom

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Slow Cooker Meatball Subs

My parents watched Kayleigh for us overnight last weekend, so John and I actually had some time to relax for a while.  We’ve both been super busy and feeling under the weather for a while now, so it was a much needed break. Instead of spending lots of time and energy cooking a big meal,

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Slow Cooker Stuffed Peppers

I have been on a slow cooker kick for the past couple of weeks.  Pretty much every night, I have made something for dinner in my slow cooker.  It’s so easy to throw a bunch of ingredients in while Kayleigh naps in the morning, and then by the time John gets home from work, we have an amazing meal

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New York Cheesecake

Christmas has come and gone, but sadly the 10 pounds I’ve gained over the last few months have not.  All that holiday baking (and eating) has caught up with me, and I’m totally feeling it.  Ugh. One of my goals for the new year is to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, which is about

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