Author name: Frieda Evans

Raw Fish with Rice

I remember distinctly thinking while in Italy that I didn’t trust the fish at the new sushi bar in town.  I was in an old walled city that was relatively traditional despite a large student population and I felt like seafood couldn’t possibly be fresh since the town was not right on the beach and instead was […]

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Inter China Restaurant

So, what do you do when you show up in a strip shopping mall for an early Sunday lunch and the Italian restaurant you’ve chosen doesn’t open for another hour?  Our choices left were between a popular burger chain, known for greasy, but tasty burgers or a Chinese restaurant that has operated in the same location for

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Millie’s Diner

For some time now we’ve been meaning to try brunch at Millie’s Diner out on the east end of Main Street, just down the hill from St. John’s Church.  Whenever the subject came up of where we should eat, one of our friends would always say “have you tried Millie’s?” Thanks to a door prize

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